Charter High School

A Different Kind of Education

Welcome to Las Montañas Charter High School

LMCHS is a public charter school serving the students in the greater Las Cruces area and Dona Ana County. For more information please give us a call 575-527-5916.

The mission of Las Montañas Charter High School is to develop the academic potential and personal character of each student by engaging and valuing the student, family and community partnership. Students will work to prepare for and meet the challenges of a post-secondary or workforce environment for a globally diverse society.

Discover your
Pathway to Success

Over the years, Las Montañas has evolved to meet the needs of its students beyond just academics. Our innovative approach to a Career and Technical Education curriculum is designed to provide students with essential life and work skills. Students are encouraged to explore different career pathways, develop strong pre-employment skills, form habits to transition into the workforce and prepare for life beyond the classroom through meaningful and reflective work experiences.

At the end of their time with us, students will have gained both academic and work experience with our community partners who introduce them to the workforce so they may envision a clear path to success for life after graduation.

What is a Pathway?

Pathways refer to different academic or career-focused tracks that students can choose to pursue based on their interests, goals, and abilities. These pathways are designed to provide students with a more tailored and focused education, allowing them to explore specific subjects or career fields in greater depth.

Las Montañas Charter High School offers five different pathways.

Student News, Calendar,
& Resources

Governance Council

Professional, Approachable,
& Caring

Click below to view and download this month's menus

Calendar of Events

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M Mon

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T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

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Parent Notification

(in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act, Title I, Part A, Section III and New Mexico Public School Code 22-10A-16)
Parents' Right to Know

Dear Parents:

The federal No Child Left Behind Act, and the state Public School Code, permits you as a parent, the right to request information about the licensure and other qualifications, teaching assignment, and training of your child’s teacher, instructional support providers, including paraprofessionals, and school principal(s) who may work with your child.

If you are interested in requesting this information, please contact Richard Robinson at (575) 527-5916.

Graduation Course Requirements



Credits Needed

4 credits



Credits Needed

4 credits (one credit = or > than Algebra 2)



Credits Needed

3 credits (2 with lab credits)


Social Studies

Credits Needed

3.5 credits (including United Sates History & Geography, World History & Geography, Government & Economics and .5 credits of New Mexico History


Physical Education

Credits Needed

1 credit


Career Cluster, Workplace Readiness, or Language other than English

Credits Needed

1 credit


Health Education

Credits Needed

0.5 credits



Credits Needed

7.5 credits




One of the above courses must an Honors course, Advance Placement (AP) course, Dual Credit course or a Distance Learning course.

Current Open Scholarships:

Foot Locker Scholar Athletes (2021)
by Foot Locker Foundation

Up to $25,000 per recipient, Up to 20 recipients

Founded in 2001, Foot Locker Foundation is the charitable arm of Foot Locker, Inc., which leads the celebration of sneaker and youth culture around the globe through a portfolio of brands including Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs Sports, Eastbay, Footaction, Runners Point, and Sidestep. The company operates 3,113 stores in 27 countries in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and New Zealand. Since its inception, the Foundation has developed significant partnerships, programs, and initiatives to improve and enrich communities across the country. Our mission is to promote a better world for today’s youth by creating, developing, and supporting innovative educational programs and encouraging health and well-being through physical activity.

Current Open Scholarships:

GoTranscript Academic Scholarship Program

Minimum eligibility requirements: High school senior or current full-time college freshman
Application deadline: Applications are accepted year-round
Award amount : $1,000

Leads Roster and SEO & Content Marketing Scholarship

The Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship is a highly competitive award for high school and college students interested in sales & marketing. Unlike most scholarships which require a simple essay and “good luck” to win, the Lead Roster scholarship puts the tools for winning in your hands by judging your entry on your ability to market and sell your own ideas! If you are interested please click on the following links: Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship

Daniels Scholarship Program

The Daniels Scholarship Program provides a four-year annually renewable college scholarship for graduating high school seniors in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming who demonstrate exceptional character, leadership, and a commitment to serving their communities. It is a “last dollar” scholarship that pays toward tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and miscellaneous educational expenses. Scholars may attend any nonprofit accredited school in the United States.

Education Loan Finance (ELFI)

Compulsory Student Attendance Policy

    • To establish responsibility for recording and excusing student absences and to outline procedures for monitoring and improving
      attendance and for follow-up with students and parents in accordance with requirements set forth in 22-8-2 (NMSA 1978).

    • A. “Attendance” means students who are in class or in a school-approved activity. If a student is in attendance up to one half of the total instructional time during a school day, the student will be counted as having attended one-half of a school day. If the student attends school for more than one-half of the total instructional time, the student will be counted as having attended for the full day (6-10-8-7 NMSA 1978)
    • B. “Hazardous weather conditions” means weather conditions that would endanger the health or safety of the student when in transit to and from school, as defined and/or approved by the Superintendent of the charter school or his/her designee. C. “Immediate family members” means the child, spouse, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, siblings, step-siblings, half-siblings, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, foster parents, guardians, and others who reside in the same household with the student.
    • D. “Long-term illness” means acute or chronic health-related problems that require a student to be out of school more than three consecutive days, as verified by a health-care professional’s written note to the student’s school. E. “Recurring illness” means any medical or mental conditions that requires a student to see a health care professional on a recurring basis with standing appointments; and, that such appointments occur at least once per month. F. “Short-term illness” means any medical or mental conditions that keep a student out of school for three or fewer consecutive days, as verified by the parent.
    • G. “School sponsored/school sanctioned activities” Means:
      • 1. Events or activities sponsored or held by school clubs, athletics, extracurricular or curricular classes.
      • 2. School coordinated visits to college/university campuses on officially designated visitation days or on alternate visits when the student has applied for admission to that particular college/university.
      • 3. Days in which a student is suspended, short-term, from school.
    • H. “Work” means employment in a gainful trade or occupation or engagement in an alternative form of education to which the parent/guardian consents, and which is approved by the Superintendent of the charter school or his/her designee.

    • A. Each classroom teacher shall be responsible for taking daily student attendance.

    • A. Student absences shall be considered excused if they fall within the following reasons and students provide verification.
      • 1. Short and long-term mental and physical illnesses.
      • 2. Recurring illnesses.
      • 3. Observance of religious holidays.
      • 4. Bereavement.
      • 5. As required by law, disciplinary actions or short-term suspensions.
      • 6. Required court proceedings.
      • 7. School-sponsored/school-sanctioned activities, including school sports participation, field trips and academic competitions.
      • 8. Hazardous weather conditions.
      • 9. Work approved or sponsored by the school (i.e., service learning, EXCEL activity).
      • 10. When a student is not physically in the classroom but remains under the direct supervision of the school district, the absence(s) shall be documented as excused and are not counted as part of the 90 percent attendance calculation. School-sponsored/school sanctioned absences include, but are not limited to:
        • a. Standardized testing.
        • b. School sports participation.
        • c. Field trips and academic competitions.
        • d. Health center, nurse, counseling/guidance and administrative office visits.
        • e. Principal-approved student government and/or student council activities.
    • B. All excused absences for illness shall be verified by a parent or other adult who is legally responsible for the care of the student or by the school authority responsible for the absence. Verification shall be provided to the school within four (4) school days of the absence. If verification of the absence is not presented within four (4) school days, the
      absence shall be coded as unexcused.
      • 1. Long-term illness shall be verified in writing by a community health-care professional (doctor, dentist, optometrist, mental health counselor etc.) or school nurse.
      • 2. Recurring illness shall be verified in writing by a community health-care professional (doctor, dentist, mental health counselor, etc.) that the absence is recurring and necessary.
      • 3. Short-term illness shall be verified in writing by a parent, community health-care professional (doctor, dentist, mental health counselor, etc.) or school nurse.
    • C. It shall be the responsibility of the student to make up any and all schoolwork he/she missed due to absence, regardless of the reason for the absence.
      • 1. When absence is excused, the teacher shall provide the student with resources in order to learn the material missed during the absence(s).

    • A. Student absences shall be reported to the student’s parents/guardians on the student’s quarterly report card.
    • B. LMCHS and outside agencies, shall develop and implement a continuum of interventions designed to support regular school attendance.
    • C. High Schools:
      • 1. In order for a student to receive credit for a class, he/she must be in attendance for a minimum of ninety (90) percent of the days the class is offered or has received approval of an appeal for credit.
      • 2. High school students with excessive absences and/or tardies, both excused and unexcused, may be referred for appropriate intervention. At the discretion of the school principal/designee, students who have been absent for fifteen (15) days may be referred to appropriate school staff and/or outside agencies for intensive interventions designed to increased regular attendance. (LMCHS )
      • 3. A student and the student’s parent/guardian shall be provided verbal and written notice from the school at such time as a student’s attendance in any class drops below ninety (90) percent of the days the class is offered during any grading period.
        • a. Phone call procedures. When a student has reached their third (3rd), seventh (7th)
          and tenth (10th) absence, a designated person from LMCHS will contact the parent or
          guardian of the student and inform them of the absences.
        • b. Written procedure: When a student has reached fifteen (15) absences, the school will send written notification to the student’s parents or guardians that the student has reached fifteen (15) absences. The written parent notification shall indicate the need to schedule a parent/teacher conference to discuss available interventions that address the student’s attendance patterns and academic progress.
          • i. It shall be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school to
            schedule such a conference.
          • ii. A translator shall be made available during the conference if requested by the
      • 1. Students who violate the ninety (90) percent attendance requirement (7 unexcused absences per semester) will be given a No Credit “NC” and will be required to successfully complete the terms of an attendance contract in order for the NC to be removed from their record. The contract will serve to assist students that have lost credit due to not meeting the attendance policy for a semester and will serve as the appeal and contract for credit. The minimum attendance requirement does not impact the acceptance of credit awarded through alternative means, such as online courses.
      • 2. Approved absences that are coded as “excused” shall not be included when calculating whether a student has failed to meet the ninety (90) percent attendance requirement.

  • VI. REPORTING (NMAC 6-10-8)
    • A. The school shall maintain class attendance records by class period for every instructional day for each student in each school or school program in the school district or charter school in a manner verifiable by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).

Description / Period

1st Period

Start Time

8:30 AM

End Time

9:00 AM


30 MIN

Description / Period

2nd Period

Start Time

9:05 AM

End Time

10:00 AM


55 MIN

Description / Period

3rd Period

Start Time

10:05 AM

End Time

11:00 AM


55 MIN

Description / Period

4th Period

Start Time

11:05 AM

End Time

12:00 PM


55 MIN

Description / Period

5th Period (Lunch/Front Loading)

Start Time

12:05 PM

End Time

1:00 PM


55 MIN

Description / Period

6th Period (Lunch/Front Loading)

Start Time

1:05 PM

End Time

2:00 PM


55 MIN

Description / Period

7th Period

Start Time

2:05 PM

End Time

3:00 PM


55 MIN

Description / Period

8th Period

Start Time

3:05 PM

End Time

4:05 PM


60 MIN

Attention Parents and Students

Parent Notification

(in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act, Title I, Part A, Section III and New Mexico Public School Code 22-10A-16)
Parents' Right to Know

Dear Parents:

The federal No Child Left Behind Act, and the state Public School Code, permits you as a parent, the right to request information about the licensure and other qualifications, teaching assignment, and training of your child’s teacher, instructional support providers, including paraprofessionals, and school principal(s) who may work with your child.

If you are interested in requesting this information, please contact Caz Martinez at (575) 527-5916.

Graduation Course Requirements


Credits Needed


4 credits


4 credits (one credit = or > than Algebra 2)


3 credits (2 with lab credits)

Social Studies

3.5 credits (including United Sates History & Geography, World History & Geography, Government & Economics and .5 credits of New Mexico History

Physical Education

1 credit

Career Cluster, Workplace Readiness, or Language other than English

1 credit

Health Education

0.5 credits


7.5 credits




One of the above courses must an Honors course, Advance Placement (AP) course, Dual Credit course or a Distance Learning course.

Current Open Scholarships:

Foot Locker Scholar Athletes (2021)
by Foot Locker Foundation

Up to $25,000 per recipient, Up to 20 recipients

Founded in 2001, Foot Locker Foundation is the charitable arm of Foot Locker, Inc., which leads the celebration of sneaker and youth culture around the globe through a portfolio of brands including Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs Sports, Eastbay, Footaction, Runners Point, and Sidestep. The company operates 3,113 stores in 27 countries in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and New Zealand. Since its inception, the Foundation has developed significant partnerships, programs, and initiatives to improve and enrich communities across the country. Our mission is to promote a better world for today’s youth by creating, developing, and supporting innovative educational programs and encouraging health and well-being through physical activity.

Current Open Scholarships:

GoTranscript Academic Scholarship Program

Minimum eligibility requirements: High school senior or current full-time college freshman
Application deadline: Applications are accepted year-round
Award amount : $1,000

Leads Roster and SEO & Content Marketing Scholarship

The Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship is a highly competitive award for high school and college students interested in sales & marketing. Unlike most scholarships which require a simple essay and “good luck” to win, the Lead Roster scholarship puts the tools for winning in your hands by judging your entry on your ability to market and sell your own ideas! If you are interested please click on the following links: Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship

Daniels Scholarship Program

The Daniels Scholarship Program provides a four-year annually renewable college scholarship for graduating high school seniors in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming who demonstrate exceptional character, leadership, and a commitment to serving their communities. It is a “last dollar” scholarship that pays toward tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and miscellaneous educational expenses. Scholars may attend any nonprofit accredited school in the United States.

Current Open Scholarships:

Foot Locker Scholar Athletes (2021)
by Foot Locker Foundation

Up to $25,000 per recipient, Up to 20 recipients

Founded in 2001, Foot Locker Foundation is the charitable arm of Foot Locker, Inc., which leads the celebration of sneaker and youth culture around the globe through a portfolio of brands including Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs Sports, Eastbay, Footaction, Runners Point, and Sidestep. The company operates 3,113 stores in 27 countries in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and New Zealand. Since its inception, the Foundation has developed significant partnerships, programs, and initiatives to improve and enrich communities across the country. Our mission is to promote a better world for today’s youth by creating, developing, and supporting innovative educational programs and encouraging health and well-being through physical activity.

Current Open Scholarships:

GoTranscript Academic Scholarship Program

Minimum eligibility requirements: High school senior or current full-time college freshman
Application deadline: Applications are accepted year-round
Award amount : $1,000

Leads Roster and SEO & Content Marketing Scholarship

The Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship is a highly competitive award for high school and college students interested in sales & marketing. Unlike most scholarships which require a simple essay and “good luck” to win, the Lead Roster scholarship puts the tools for winning in your hands by judging your entry on your ability to market and sell your own ideas! If you are interested please click on the following links: Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship

Daniels Scholarship Program

The Daniels Scholarship Program provides a four-year annually renewable college scholarship for graduating high school seniors in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming who demonstrate exceptional character, leadership, and a commitment to serving their communities. It is a “last dollar” scholarship that pays toward tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and miscellaneous educational expenses. Scholars may attend any nonprofit accredited school in the United States.

Education Loan Finance (ELFI)

Description / Period

Start Time

End Time


1st Period – Breakfast Served/Teacher PLC

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

30 MIN

2nd Period

9:05 AM

10:00 AM

55 MIN

3rd Period 

10:05 AM

11:00 AM

55 MIN

4th Period

11:05 AM

12:00 PM

55 MIN

5th Period – (Lunch)

12:05 PM

1:00 PM

55 MIN

6th Period 

1:05 PM

2:00 PM

55 MIN

7th Period

2:05 PM

3:00 PM

55 MIN

8th Period

3:05 PM

4:05 PM

60 MIN

Graduation of the Class of 2021

Las Montañas Charter High School will be holding its graduation ceremony at the Las Cruces Convention Center, 680 E. University Ave., at 6:30 p.m. 

Each graduate student is allowed to invite five guests (children and babies count as guests).

The student will give the names of their five guests to the school so they will be on a list to get in. Anyone without permission will not be allowed in the convention center.

Inside the venue, social distancing, mask-wearing will be required and temperature checks will be done upon entrance.



Compulsory Student Attendance Policy

    • To establish responsibility for recording and excusing student absences and to outline procedures for monitoring and improving
      attendance and for follow-up with students and parents in accordance with requirements set forth in 22-8-2 (NMSA 1978).

    • A. “Attendance” means students who are in class or in a school-approved activity. If a student is in attendance up to one half of the total instructional time during a school day, the student will be counted as having attended one-half of a school day. If the student attends school for more than one-half of the total instructional time, the student will be counted as having attended for the full day (6-10-8-7 NMSA 1978)
    • B. “Hazardous weather conditions” means weather conditions that would endanger the health or safety of the student when in transit to and from school, as defined and/or approved by the Superintendent of the charter school or his/her designee. C. “Immediate family members” means the child, spouse, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, siblings, step-siblings, half-siblings, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, foster parents, guardians, and others who reside in the same household with the student.
    • D. “Long-term illness” means acute or chronic health-related problems that require a student to be out of school more than three consecutive days, as verified by a health-care professional’s written note to the student’s school. E. “Recurring illness” means any medical or mental conditions that requires a student to see a health care professional on a recurring basis with standing appointments; and, that such appointments occur at least once per month. F. “Short-term illness” means any medical or mental conditions that keep a student out of school for three or fewer consecutive days, as verified by the parent.
    • G. “School sponsored/school sanctioned activities” Means:
      • 1. Events or activities sponsored or held by school clubs, athletics, extracurricular or curricular classes.
      • 2. School coordinated visits to college/university campuses on officially designated visitation days or on alternate visits when the student has applied for admission to that particular college/university.
      • 3. Days in which a student is suspended, short-term, from school.
    • H. “Work” means employment in a gainful trade or occupation or engagement in an alternative form of education to which the parent/guardian consents, and which is approved by the Superintendent of the charter school or his/her designee.

    • A. Each classroom teacher shall be responsible for taking daily student attendance.

    • A. Student absences shall be considered excused if they fall within the following reasons and students provide verification.
      • 1. Short and long-term mental and physical illnesses.
      • 2. Recurring illnesses.
      • 3. Observance of religious holidays.
      • 4. Bereavement.
      • 5. As required by law, disciplinary actions or short-term suspensions.
      • 6. Required court proceedings.
      • 7. School-sponsored/school-sanctioned activities, including school sports participation, field trips and academic competitions.
      • 8. Hazardous weather conditions.
      • 9. Work approved or sponsored by the school (i.e., service learning, EXCEL activity).
      • 10. When a student is not physically in the classroom but remains under the direct supervision of the school district, the absence(s) shall be documented as excused and are not counted as part of the 90 percent attendance calculation. School-sponsored/school sanctioned absences include, but are not limited to:
        • a. Standardized testing.
        • b. School sports participation.
        • c. Field trips and academic competitions.
        • d. Health center, nurse, counseling/guidance and administrative office visits.
        • e. Principal-approved student government and/or student council activities.
    • B. All excused absences for illness shall be verified by a parent or other adult who is legally responsible for the care of the student or by the school authority responsible for the absence. Verification shall be provided to the school within four (4) school days of the absence. If verification of the absence is not presented within four (4) school days, the
      absence shall be coded as unexcused.
      • 1. Long-term illness shall be verified in writing by a community health-care professional (doctor, dentist, optometrist, mental health counselor etc.) or school nurse.
      • 2. Recurring illness shall be verified in writing by a community health-care professional (doctor, dentist, mental health counselor, etc.) that the absence is recurring and necessary.
      • 3. Short-term illness shall be verified in writing by a parent, community health-care professional (doctor, dentist, mental health counselor, etc.) or school nurse.
    • C. It shall be the responsibility of the student to make up any and all schoolwork he/she missed due to absence, regardless of the reason for the absence.
      • 1. When absence is excused, the teacher shall provide the student with resources in order to learn the material missed during the absence(s).

    • A. Student absences shall be reported to the student’s parents/guardians on the student’s quarterly report card.
    • B. LMCHS and outside agencies, shall develop and implement a continuum of interventions designed to support regular school attendance.
    • C. High Schools:
      • 1. In order for a student to receive credit for a class, he/she must be in attendance for a minimum of ninety (90) percent of the days the class is offered or has received approval of an appeal for credit.
      • 2. High school students with excessive absences and/or tardies, both excused and unexcused, may be referred for appropriate intervention. At the discretion of the school principal/designee, students who have been absent for fifteen (15) days may be referred to appropriate school staff and/or outside agencies for intensive interventions designed to increased regular attendance. (LMCHS )
      • 3. A student and the student’s parent/guardian shall be provided verbal and written notice from the school at such time as a student’s attendance in any class drops below ninety (90) percent of the days the class is offered during any grading period.
        • a. Phone call procedures. When a student has reached their third (3rd), seventh (7th)
          and tenth (10th) absence, a designated person from LMCHS will contact the parent or
          guardian of the student and inform them of the absences.
        • b. Written procedure: When a student has reached fifteen (15) absences, the school will send written notification to the student’s parents or guardians that the student has reached fifteen (15) absences. The written parent notification shall indicate the need to schedule a parent/teacher conference to discuss available interventions that address the student’s attendance patterns and academic progress.
          • i. It shall be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school to
            schedule such a conference.
          • ii. A translator shall be made available during the conference if requested by the
      • 1. Students who violate the ninety (90) percent attendance requirement (7 unexcused absences per semester) will be given a No Credit “NC” and will be required to successfully complete the terms of an attendance contract in order for the NC to be removed from their record. The contract will serve to assist students that have lost credit due to not meeting the attendance policy for a semester and will serve as the appeal and contract for credit. The minimum attendance requirement does not impact the acceptance of credit awarded through alternative means, such as online courses.
      • 2. Approved absences that are coded as “excused” shall not be included when calculating whether a student has failed to meet the ninety (90) percent attendance requirement.

  • VI. REPORTING (NMAC 6-10-8)
    • A. The school shall maintain class attendance records by class period for every instructional day for each student in each school or school program in the school district or charter school in a manner verifiable by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).